Lobster is here! Limited quantities.

A catering service that. finally. meets your expectations!

A catering service that. finally. meets your expectations!

Whether it’s a birthday, a reception, a romantic dinner or a simple meal prep break, our catering services will take you on a delicious and friendly trip like fancy restaurants. Select the platters you want from our creations. For an extraordinary experience, you can also book our famous master shuckers at home. A great way to enjoy the expertise of our fishmongers in the comfort of your home.

For more information call our stores or write to us.

Oyster platter

You don’t like to shuck oysters but you still want to enjoy a tasting? Odessa Poissonnier offers you the opportunity to discover its wide variety of New Brunswick oysters, as chosen by the fishmonger, in a platter format. A great way to encourage our local producers while avoiding a long preparation step.

$54.99/24 un | $108.99/48 un

Snow Crab Platter


Tataki Duo Platter


plateau poseidon

Poséidon Platter


Tapas Specialty Platter


Sushi Platter

$40.99/34 un | $72.99/66 un

Lobster Platter (cut-cracked)


Cajun Salmon Fritters, 650 G


Plateau du Fumoir Antan

Fumoir d’Antan platter


plateau Odessa

Odessa Platter


Discover more!

Discover our unique sushi specialties such as our Bûche or our Sushi Bake. For even more options, see our brochure!

Pizza sushi

Sushi Pizza*

(Salmon and Shrimp duo)

$34.99/2 portions

*72 hours reservation required.

Sushi chaud

Baked Sushi, 400 g

(pollock and shrimp)


Bûche sushi

Sushi Log*

(salmon or shrimp)

$44.99/4 to 6 portions

*72 hours reservation required.

New!- Gipsy platter

Have peace of mind with our new open oyster platter served on a bed of salt with mignonettes and fresh lemons: the Gipsy platter! A jewl-sized oyster from New Brunswick

$ 39,99/ 24un OR $ 69,99/ 48un

As an accompaniment, our salads!

As an accompaniment,
our salads!

True round the world, our fresh salads finely prepared by our team are delicious. Pass by Asia, the Middle East or the Mediterranean with fresh ingredients that will go well with your platters as well as your daily meals. 

All available at our ready-to-eat counters! 

Tartare aux 2 saumons

Two-salmon Tartare, 100 g


Coquille pêcheur

Fisherman’s Shell, 250 g


croquette de saumon

Salmon Croquette

$2.99/70 g | $10.99/280 g*


* Fresh at the counter (70 g) | frozen (280 g)

* Promotions from December 2 to January 5, 2022.

New!- Baked sushi

Discover our baked sushi with pollock and shrimp. A creation that can be enjoyed with a fork or with an Nori seaweed!

Sale: $ 9,95/ 400g



Oubliez le temps gris avec des recettes réconfortantes, savoureuses et gourmandes!

Trempette chaude au crabe d’Alaska

Poutine de homard & sauce à la bisque

Sandwich Po’boy aux huîtres frites