Lobster is here! Limited quantities.


By 2050, the world population is expected to reach 10 billion. That’s 2.5 billion more than today. In order to feed this larger, more urban and wealthier population, global food production will need to increase by some 70 percent; exacerbating the pressure on natural resources, such as the oceans. In addition, overfishing and bad practices are one of the biggest threats facing the oceans.

In order to contribute to the protection of our oceans, Odessa Poissonnier is committed to promoting seafood products from responsible practices. To commit yourself, as we do, to sustainable consumption, consult our identification charter and spot the green tag: it means that the product is a responsible choice approved by Ocean Wise!

Ocean Wise is a global conservation organization whose mission is to protect and restore the world’s oceans. Through research, education, direct action conservation and on-the-ground projects, it empowers communities to take action for the health of the oceans.

Ocean Wise’s goal is to build the Canadian market and create demand for sustainable seafood through education and engagement.

Ocean Wise’s recommendations are based on reports from Seafood Watch, a U.S. program that advises consumers on environmentally friendly seafood choices, the federal institution – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and other sources specific to farmed seafood.


Find our tablets in our flyer and, soon, in our branches!

To determine if the product is sustainable, Ocean Wise considers several criteria regarding environmental impacts, effluent discharges, data reliability, chemicals used, etc.

A farmed or fished seafood product must meet the following three criteria to be recommended by Ocean Wise:

  1. Abundance and resilience: The species must be able to withstand fishing pressure.
  2. Good management: The health of the species is well monitored and the fishery/farming is managed with a rigorous and up-to-date plan.
  3. Limitations on harm to habitat and marine animals: Harvesting is done in a way that limits harm to marine or aquatic habitat and limits the incidental catch of non-target or vulnerable species.
  1. Impact of fishing on target species populations
  2. Impact of fishing on other species
  3. Management effectiveness
  4. Impact on habitat and ecosystem
  1. Data availability 
  2. Effluent
  3. Effects on habitat
  4. Chemical use
  5. Feeding
  6. Escapes and introduced species
  7. Interactions with parasites, pathogens and diseases
  8. Source of stock
  9. Predator and wildlife mortality
  10. Secondary species escapes

Fishing is the activity of catching aquatic animals (fish, crustaceans, cephalopods, etc.).

Aquaculture is the farming of fish and seafood in fresh or salt water. It is the professional art of multiplying and raising animals or aquatic plants, such as fish farming.

Despite the scope and importance of seafood to the world’s population, only 30% of fisheries and aquaculture products are assessed. Since monitoring wild fisheries is a complex, costly, demanding and long-term endeavor, 60% of the world’s seafood sources are not yet scientifically assessed.

Pour déterminer si le produit est durable, Ocean Wise tient compte de plusieurs critères concernant les impacts sur l’environnement, les rejets d’effluents, la fiabilité des données, les produits chimiques utilisés, etc.

Un produit de la mer de pêche ou d’élevage doit satisfaire aux trois critères suivants pour être recommandé par Ocean Wise:

  1. Abondance et résilience: L’espèce doit pouvoir résister aux pressions exercées par la pêche.
  2. Bonne gestion: La santé de l’espèce est bien surveillée et la pêche/l’élevage est gérée au moyen d’un plan rigoureux et à jour.
  3. Limitations des dommages à l’habitat et aux animaux marins: La prise se fait de façon à limiter les dommages à l’habitat marin ou aquatique et à limiter la prise accidentelle d’espèces non ciblées ou vulnérables.

L’aquaculture est l’élevage de poissons et de fruits de mer en eau douce ou salée . C’est l’art professionnel de multiplier et élever les animaux ou les plantes aquatiques, telle que la pisciculture pour les poissons.

8 critères d’aquaculture:

  1.   Disponibilité de données
  2.   Effluent
  3.   Effets sur l’habitat
  4.   Utilisation de produits chimiques
  5.   Alimentation
  6.   Évasions et espèces introduites
  7.   Interactions avec des parasites, agents pathogènes et maladies
  8.   Provenance des stocks
  9.   Mortalité des prédateurs et de la faune
  10.   Évasions d’espèces secondaires

La pêche est l’activité consistant à capturer des animaux aquatiques (poissons, crustacés, céphalopodes, etc.).

4 critères de pêche sauvage :

  1.   Impact de la pêche sur les populations d’espèces visées
  2.   Impact de la pêche sur d’autres espèces
  3.   Efficacité de la gestion
  4.   Impact sur l’habitat et l’écosystème

Malgré la portée et l’importance des produits de la mer pour la population mondiale, seulement 30% des produits de la pêche et de l’aquaculture sont évalués. Puisque le suivi des pêcheries sauvages est un domaine complexe, coûteux, demandant et à long-terme, 60% des sources de produits de la mer à travers le monde ne sont pas encore évaluées scientifiquement pour pouvoir confirmer si la pêcherie atteint les normes durables d’Ocean Wise.


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It all depends on the species and the farming method. In some cases, farming is much better than fishing in the wild, especially when it comes to mussels, clams, oysters and scallops.

A sustainable seafood product is fished or farmed in a way that maintains or increases its population over the long term without jeopardizing the health or stability of our diverse marine ecosystems. Ocean Wise defines sustainability based on four criteria. A species recommended by Ocean Wise is: abundant and resilient to fishing pressure; managed with a robust plan that takes into account current scientific research; caught using a method that limits bycatch of non-target or endangered species; and caught in a way that limits damage to marine or aquatic habitat and negative interactions with other species.

There is a common misconception that sustainable seafood costs more. In fact, you may already be using them without knowing it. There are also marine species that, while underutilized and cheap, are delicious – for example, mussels, sardines and herring. In addition, while some sustainable products cost a little more, responsible fishing and farming often produces better quality and tastier products. It’s worth thinking about!

All you have to do is offer a sustainable seafood product to join. Working with you, we can help your company improve its sustainable product choices and get more sustainable products.

Ocean Wise is a recommendation program, while the MSC is a certification program. Ocean Wise applies the sustainability criteria developed by Seafood Watch, while the MSC has developed its own standards for sustainable fishing and seafood traceability. Accredited third-party certification bodies assess and verify fisheries against the MSC standards. Ocean Wise and MSC have different sustainability criteria. Therefore, a product certified by MSC is not necessarily recommended by Ocean Wise.

Here you will find an interactive map showing where Ocean Wise partner restaurants, suppliers and retailers are located. 

Ocean Wise was founded on the West Coast, but it is a national program with hundreds of partners across Canada, from coast to coast! We have offices in Montreal, Toronto and Halifax with six full-time staff.

The Vancouver Aquarium launched Ocean Wise in January 2005 at C Restaurant in Vancouver, our founding partner. Ocean Wise released its first culinary guide on April 22, 2005 – Earth Day. A list of the first 16 partners was included; each establishment committed to removing at least one non-sustainable seafood product from their menu and promoting sustainable options. As of April 2021, Ocean Wise has sold the Vancouver Aquarium and is now a non-profit organization that is completely independent of the Aquarium.



Oubliez le temps gris avec des recettes réconfortantes, savoureuses et gourmandes!

Trempette chaude au crabe d’Alaska

Poutine de homard & sauce à la bisque

Sandwich Po’boy aux huîtres frites

Réunis sur un plateau

Pour un véritable festin, à deux ou à plusieurs, nos plateaux de fruits de mer vous transporterons vers des vagues de délices et de convivialité. Une option toute indiquée afin de célébrer dans la plus pure paix d’esprit!

*Réservations sur appel 24h-48h en avance. Les plateaux de sushis sont disponibles seulement à Molson, Anjou, Brossard et sur demande pour les autres succursales. 

Plateau de sushis St-Valentin

49,99$/ 38 morceaux

Plateau du Fumoir d’Antan


Plateau duo tatakis


Plateau Poséidon


Plateau de grosses crevettes


Plateau de luxe Odessa
